Add Media Coordinator Role

Consider adding a permission role for Communication/Media Coordinator – need access to send messages and create/edit pack calendar events

Or let me know if there are existing roles that are meant for this role without granting Full Control (I’m new this year).

Thanks! - Deborah

I believe that the Unit Secretary functional role in Scoutbook can still edit calendars, no? They need at least View Profile/View Advancement permissions for all scouts to send messages.


ETA2: Note that this person must be a registered scouter in order to be assigned any leadership roles in Scoutbook.

@Deborah - I would think that Committee Secretary would be the closest match.

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Thanks. I found that right after I submitted this but it won’t let me delete it.

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Also keep in mind that the Committee Secretary functional role may not be automatically assigned connections to new scouts, so a unit admin will probably need to update connections regularly (or at least whenever a new scout is added) to ensure that the individual has connections to all of the youth.

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