Adding Camping Activity to Past Calendar Event

I want to add camping nights to an existing calendar event. In the field to identify which unit members attended, there is a drop down menu and I do not know which unit is the “Boy” unit. (See attached image #1)
With either selection, I am able to see both the Boy and Girl unit members. (I do like this feature as a time saver when both units do attend the same events!)
In the “Add Camping Activity” screen, in the drop down box to “link the activity” to a unit, I have chosen the top option and then the bottom option in the drop down menu. EVERY choice results with the GIRL unit selected in the event. (see attached image #2) (No girls attended this campout.)
Does this make a difference in reporting the camping nights on our unit reports? Do I need to to delete the entire event and create a new one that does not have the girl unit on it. (I am unable to remove the girl unit since the event has ‘passed’.) I do want this event listed on both unit calendars.


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