Adults occasionally cannot register themselves as leaders

I’ve had two recent occasions where new adult leaders for my crew were unable to register themselves online. They see a selection for registering a youth member of my Venturing crew but not an adult member. In both cases, they have a youth member in a troop. I do not believe either has ever been a registered leader in any BSA unit.

When people register, I have them use the link at, which I harvest from

This is an example from last night, with a parent who is not a member of my crew and who was logged in as himself (note the text at top: “registering yourself or your child”):

Do you have adult applications turned on? It does not appear so. Under > Organization manager

Screen Shot 2021-07-10 at 11.40.24 AM

Oh, my gosh, you’re right. I know better, too! :rofl: That’s embarrassing.

Wait, there may be something else going on. When I check that box and hit Save, I get an “Invalid Request” notice at top:

The checkbox becomes unchecked. If I close and return it remains unchecked.

I have more info: This box was checked at one time. My unit has five successful adult electronic applications.

It’s next to impossible that anyone but me would have managed that checkbox. I would have never intentionally unchecked it. Regardless, per above, I am unable to check it and save its state.

Some councils have disabled that feature for their units, or it could be due to the BSA Data Center move this weekend.

Thanks. It’s enabled for another same-council unit I’m in. Maybe data-center weirdness?