All reports broken?

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Which reports triggered this error, @JoeMcKinley? Was this triggered by Report Builder and Roster Builder? The “canned” reports (e.g. Needs *) appeared to process through just fine. It looks like the cert being used to “sign” reports hosted at applies to * vs the one that is being used to “sign” the report builder and roster builder reports hosted at is only applicable to and

To me, it looks like somebody at BSA made a mistake when they were selecting the certs for the signatures, but that might be someone with “not quite enough knowledge” offering an opinion. That assumes that there’s nothing actually wrong with what’s at, or that the certs being used to sign it weren’t stolen

I’m also seeing this problem tonight.
I saw it when trying to click Report Builder Manager as well as Roster Builder Manager (both under Troop Reports in Scoutbook).

Does anybody with more clue than I have (SUAC?) have any information that could guide the non-technical folks like me regarding the meaning of the error being thrown?

Your assessment above is basically right. They need to fix the certs.

“ normally uses encryption to protect your information. When Google Chrome tried to connect to this time, the website sent back unusual and incorrect credentials.”

This is just a mix up in coding - PD is a pre-stage server - we will report it

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I got the same error message on both Microsoft Edge and Chrome (when I got the error on Edge, I logged in on Chrome) I was trying to download reports I regularly update:
Scouts BSA History reports. Any idea when this will be fixed?

This has been fixed. Please try again

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