Broken links, for example cannot view events

Since joining last fall, scoutbook has never worked right for my family.

How do i reach tech support?

Biggest problem is when i click on any Events, link doesn’t work. It kicks me back to a my profile page. There is NO WAY to get the details of our events.

Ive tried it on windows desktop, android tablet, and phone.

I also installed the app. Same bug.

Ive shown the wierd behavior to several leaders. they’ve never seen anything like it & cant help

I’ve also had problems where some emails from scoutbook dont get to my email box. I checked spam folder.

@MayleenRice First simple question to check is - check with leaders that your Scout is on the invite list for the SB Event


Unfortunately, the BSA no longer offers volunteers/parents direct access to their technical people. The only options are getting help from your council staff or getting help here, to the extent that the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC) volunteers can assist.

When you say that you’re clicking on links, are those links in an email (e.g. event announcement/reminder), or event links from your My Dashboard → Events → “Upcoming Events” list? That information will help narrow down the source of the issue.

There has been an off-and-on issue with blacklisting of Scoutbook email servers by a third-party company that is used by a variety of email providers, including many of the major email providers. The blacklisting means that the emails are being dropped before they even reach the recipient’s
mailbox, so they never get a chance to go into the spam folders. As a result, most if not all units have been seeing similar issues for a large number of their parents, scouts, and scouters. There isn’t a lot that can be dune about it, unfortunately, as the Scoutbook folks can’t control what’s going on with the third-party spam filtering provider. There have been a number of efforts undertaken, and (I think) the current status is that Scoutbook is no longer on the blacklist. However, that could easily change again.

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