I am concerned about the quality of entries being put in the system. Here you can see Daniel’s name is spelled wrong and Landon has 3 accounts! Landon is a Military Scout and we provided his last Council and BSA number, so finding his account and switching it to our troop should have been easy.
How do I ensure quality entries?
I was finally able to get on my computer to open the 3 accounts. They ALL have the same BSA number. I’m not sure why the 3 accounts were not merged!
Hi, @RebeccaClark,
Check to see whether on not Landon has more than one active membership in your unit. I see he’s not listed as being in a patrol, but what do the accounts list under Landon’s Memberships?
All 3 list membership in our troop (I don’t think they would show if they didn’t!)
1 shows only our troop. The other 2 show other troops he’s been a part of.
I was wrong, 2 accounts show advancement information.
The point is really that each one show ONLY ONE active membership in your troop.
Thanks, @RebeccaClark,
As @jacobfetzer noted, I should have been a bit more clear about the intent of my question. One issue that can cause a scout to show up multiple times on the same unit’s roster is multiple active memberships in that unit. I’m not entirely clear on what you meant when you said
Do you mean the other units show as past memberships in the other two accounts, or do they show as current memberships, in addition to the membership showing in your unit?
I’m sorry. All three accounts show an active membership in our troop.
2 of the accounts show other troops he has been a part of in the past as past memberships.
All three have the same BSA number.
And apparently he actually has a FOURTH account out there that I just found out about. His parents forwarded to me a Scout history report with a different BSA number and his name spelled wrong that has advancement records that are not on any of the THREE other accounts that are connected to our troop.
This was never a problem when I was the one adding Scouts and adults to our Scoutbook account. I have found now that when I turn in applications, even when I indicate they are transfers and provide the previous BSA numbers , accounts come in to our Scoutbook account WRONG in some way.
Ok, so if I’m now understanding correctly, there are four accounts. Account 1 has an active membership in your troop, and past pack memberships, but no past troop memberships. Account 2 has an active membership in your troop, and past troop memberships, but no past pack memberships. Account 3 has only an active membership in your troop, and no past memberships.
It looks like Account 1 previously existed for the Gulf Coast council (which would have had its own BSA ID). Account 2 appears to have come from Colonial Virginia council via Narragansett council. I’m assuming that those two councils must have merged their records such that Landon only had one BSA ID from the two. I’m wondering if only part of the routine to merge the accounts for Landon executed, since he was added to your unit so recently.
If you navigate to My Dashboard → My Units → Troop Roster, then click on each of the instances of Landon, do they all show different ScoutUserID values in the URL?
I just looked and they each have a separate ScoutUserID
But their BSA numbers under “Edit Profile” are all the same
My point of this whole thread, though, is to ask how to make sure I get quality entries. I should not have to ask for or make corrections with every single entry that pops up in Scoutbook when we add a new member.
Right. Making the BSA ID numbers match probably happened as the first part of the account merger process. The different ScoutUserID values indicate separate entries in the database, suggesting that the merger wasn’t completed.
I think the most sure way to resolve the issue is to email scoutbook.support@scouting.org with the information about Landon, the three different ScoutUserID values, and the correct account. I’m not 100% sure that advancement data will merge, although I would expect so. Once you get the automatic reply with an SSD number in the subject line, please post that here so SUAC can follow up with the support team.
Out of curiosity, do the other details of the accounts all match, in terms of profile data? I wonder if there are subtle differences in the names (e.g. middle name vs middle initial vs no middle name listed) or other details (e.g. council name) that may have interrupted the merger.
Honestly, I’ve generally had good performance from the data import. That said, I have had to make several requests for fixes over time. Generally, the trouble had come from inconsistencies between existing Scoutbook records and what’s shown on our official roster (name spelling, etc).
I have already emailed Scoutbook.support with the issue and provided them with the fourth entry as well.
I have already saved all the Scout history reports and taken a screenshot of his camping, hiking and service hour pages in case they are deleted.
I just checked the information you asked about for the 3 accounts I have access to. The fourth account is not linked to our troop, probably because it has his last name spelled incorrectly. Ironically, that is the BSA number we wrote on his transfer application.
All have his first and last name spelled correctly
1 is missing the middle name.
All have his CURRENT mailing address
All have a different Council down at the bottom of each of his landing page…which is weird since it 100% shows his current membership in NCAC. This is probably the disconnect. However, it would be helpful if whomever is entering the information in to the system would recognize that these three accounts should be merged and not all three put in to one troop.
I just checked my.scouting.org and he is only listed once
I don’t think it’s an entirely manual process. That’s why I was asking about the deviations in data. I suspect that the “merger” subroutines look for certain areas of congruence to assure that they’re merging the right accounts, and stopped when they hit a deviation. We ended up with two copies of one of our committee members after a recharter that added her middle initial instead of her middle name.
Of course, that’s pure speculation on my part, since I’m just another user.
Yeah, my understanding is that my.scouting is reading from a different database/listing than Scoutbook does. Does his BSA ID at my.scouting match the accounts to which you have access??
I just checked. Yes. I don’t think I would be able to see any of the accounts on my current roster if they weren’t in my.scouting since my roster in Scoutbook is updated with my current roster directly. At least that’s my understanding
It’s supposed to work that way, but it’s also supposed to only have one account for each person…
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