Deleting an Event (again)

Is that the list of events on my dashboard or the calendar where you have to select that den from the gear icon?

I see them in the calendar, I do not see it in events on my dashboard. I do also see it in up coming events when I go under the den. I attached a screenshot of the calendar, all the Friday meetings should not be showing up.

Thank you. That is helpful for reporting it to the developers.

Little more info. I as the den leader of the Tigers am using the DLE to run the meetings. I do go in the Scoutbook and add event reminders and I have noticed now that the last two meetings never had the reminders sent out. Is this an know issue?

For any officials or devs that are following this, as I know itā€™s a fairly hot topic, I wanted to share what I tried to resolve the problem of not being able to delete events.

I had created the events on DLE automatically and didnā€™t like how it put them. I already covered some things, some things were to be done at homeā€¦etc. I just wanted to wipe them out and only add meetings that I actually wanted. So one of the resolutions was to delete the Den and create a new one since those events were tied to the Den I would be deleting.

After doing that, I still see these meetings when I navigate to the Unit. Whatā€™s worse though, is since these meetings can only be edited in DLE, I cannot access them at all anymore (The Den was removed). So now, not only do I have meetings I donā€™t want, but I have literally no way to edit them.

@JustinMartin Please send an email to With all the details.

Iā€™ve been in Cub Scouts since 2011 and have been very happy using Scout Track. With the BSA moving to only accept and support the Scout Book platform for advancement reporting, I knew it would only be a matter of time before we needed to transition. Weā€™ve dipped our toe in, checked on the stability of the platform, and knew it needed time to work through some bugs.

Iā€™m sorry to see that ScoutBook still has so many bugs. As a den leader, I made the same mistake that so many others have on this thread. Events created with no chance to correct it. Pithy recommendations to have parents ignore the false reminders. Suggestions to delete an established den in order to remove the inconvenient events only to realize they canā€™t be deleted from the Pack calendar. And now in the process of removing members from the den, theyā€™ve disappeared from the Pack altogether. I canā€™t even provide feedback via the DLE because the comment field is broken. When you open a den event from the Pack calendar, it states the date and location can be altered there. But when you click save, it permanently errors telling you to add it to a calendar, but you donā€™t have the ability to update that field. I call mercy.

I can see that we need to abandon and walk away from the platform for a good time longer. There are way too many bugs and impossible obstacles to make this worth our already busy volunteers time. Thank goodness we have a fabulous registrar to help us log advancements.

Good luck all.


This statement is incorrect. The BSA allows 3rd party software to produce a file that can be uploaded to Internet Advancement. There are multiple 3rd party developers who have provided this file. Check with the support team for your software to see if they have implemented this capability.

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Our pack has a lot of success with just using ā€œnormalā€ Scoutbook and not the Den Leader Experience.

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@AimeeMcCarty - I have the same experience as @Matt.Johnson. We only use Scoutbook and the mobile app and ask den leaders never to log in to DLE. I tell den leaders that it is too rigid and will pollute Scoutbook with things that can never really be deleted and there is really nothing there for them to see. Perhaps someday, it will become a useful tool. Right now, it is just a colossal waste of all the energy and effort that went into creating it. Only a completely new pack filled with adults who have no Cub Scouting experience at all would stand to benefit from DLE. Even then, the set-up of DLE inherently discourages den leaders from thinking outside the box. It is essentially a box, and the escape can be difficult.

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Adding another voice to this. I took over the den, while DLE notifies you that itā€™s creating undeletable events, it doesnā€™t tell you anything about what the events are going to contain. I took over my Den in December and needed to HEAVILY modify how we approached each adventure due to COVID restraints. There were also a number of adventures that the scouts had already completed prior to me taking over.

The fact that these events cannot be deleted at all is absurd. The fact that I canā€™t modify the plan at all is also silly. It would be much more helpful if I could use this tool to create and manage my plan for a den meeting. This is especially true considering the number scouting plans that are incomplete with placeholder text.

As a brand new den leader who has 0 past experience with scouting (which I believe makes me a prime target demographic for this tool), I find the inflexibility of the DLE to make it counterproductive to my needs as a den leader.

Iā€™ll help keep this alive. Current DLE lack of functionality/flexibility is ridiculous - leaders should have full control over the scheduling, to include picking ā€˜randomā€™ dates throughout the year and choosing which activities to assign to each date. I donā€™t see any way to move a single requirement/activity to a different date. And of course to be able to delete and re-create events at will. There should be a separate capability to highlight which required adventures/activities are not scheduled or were not completed in a past meeting so the den leader can know to re-schedule them.

Thereā€™s nothing wrong with auto-populating a ā€˜baseā€™ of meetings to deviate from, but they need to allow that deviation and re-configuration for those that need it.


Wish I knew to not use DLE. Just came to find out why this went so wrong so fast with no way to fix it. I guess it is as designed. I wrongly assumed I would just create meetings of things we did and it would work like a sane system. I am off to move meetings into the far past I guess.

As programmed. I assumed they wouldnā€™t design it this way on purpose since it doesnā€™t seem done. But it is working as it ā€œisā€. :slight_smile:

There is a button to hide DLE events