Received error when navigating to entering cub scout advancement. When I clicked on individual adventure no requirements show, only pop up error below:
"org.mule.weave.v2.core.exception.UnsupportedTypeCoercionException: Cannot coerce Null (null) to Key 6| ($.id): $ ^^^^^^^ Trace: at anonymous::reduce (line: 6, column: 4) at anonymous::map (line: 7, column: 5) at anonymous::reduce (line: 5, column: 23) at anonymous::reduce (line: 7, column: 5) at anonymous::pluck (line: 8, column: 6) at anonymous::map (line: 4, column: 11) at anonymous::reduce (line: 4, column: 21) at anonymous::main (line: 8, column: 6) " evaluating expression: “%dw 2.0 output application/java — ((payload pluck $$) map (key, index)-> { (key): payload[key] map { ($.id): $ } reduce ($$ ++ $) } ) reduce ($$ ++ $)”.
"org.mule.weave.v2.core.exception.UnsupportedTypeCoercionException: Cannot coerce Null (null) to Key 6| ($.id): $ ^^^^^^^ Trace: at anonymous::reduce (line: 6, column: 4) at anonymous::map (line: 7, column: 5) at anonymous::reduce (line: 5, column: 23) at anonymous::reduce (line: 7, column: 5) at anonymous::pluck (line: 8, column: 6) at anonymous::map (line: 4, column: 11) at anonymous::reduce (line: 4, column: 21) at anonymous::main (line: 8, column: 6) " evaluating expression: “%dw 2.0 output application/java — ((payload pluck $$) map (key, index)-> { (key): payload[key] map { ($.id): $ } reduce ($$ ++ $) } ) reduce ($$ ++ $)”.
Scoutbook PlusIA
Scoutbook Plus
Advancement Requirements
Currently viewing:
Pack 104
Eli Romoslawski’s ProfileWebelos Rank
Webelos Walkabout
Adventure0% Progress
Mark as Approved/RecordedMark as Awarded
Note: If calendar date is greyed out, please review advancement version expiration, tenure requirements, or if you are trying to select a future date.
Requirements Version
This Advancement has no requirements.
current* Cub ScoutPack 104
Position: Pack Admin(2 more positions/roles)
- Parent / Guardian
Pack 0104
Connection: Arwen Black
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