Error received in advancement

Received error when navigating to entering cub scout advancement. When I clicked on individual adventure no requirements show, only pop up error below:

"org.mule.weave.v2.core.exception.UnsupportedTypeCoercionException: Cannot coerce Null (null) to Key 6| ($.id): $ ^^^^^^^ Trace: at anonymous::reduce (line: 6, column: 4) at anonymous::map (line: 7, column: 5) at anonymous::reduce (line: 5, column: 23) at anonymous::reduce (line: 7, column: 5) at anonymous::pluck (line: 8, column: 6) at anonymous::map (line: 4, column: 11) at anonymous::reduce (line: 4, column: 21) at anonymous::main (line: 8, column: 6) " evaluating expression: “%dw 2.0 output application/java — ((payload pluck $$) map (key, index)-> { (key): payload[key] map { ($.id): $ } reduce ($$ ++ $) } ) reduce ($$ ++ $)”.


"org.mule.weave.v2.core.exception.UnsupportedTypeCoercionException: Cannot coerce Null (null) to Key 6| ($.id): $ ^^^^^^^ Trace: at anonymous::reduce (line: 6, column: 4) at anonymous::map (line: 7, column: 5) at anonymous::reduce (line: 5, column: 23) at anonymous::reduce (line: 7, column: 5) at anonymous::pluck (line: 8, column: 6) at anonymous::map (line: 4, column: 11) at anonymous::reduce (line: 4, column: 21) at anonymous::main (line: 8, column: 6) " evaluating expression: “%dw 2.0 output application/java — ((payload pluck $$) map (key, index)-> { (key): payload[key] map { ($.id): $ } reduce ($$ ++ $) } ) reduce ($$ ++ $)”.


Scoutbook PlusIA

Scoutbook Plus

Advancement Requirements

Currently viewing:

Pack 104

Eli Romoslawski’s ProfileWebelos Rank

Webelos Walkabout

Adventure0% Progress

Mark as Approved/RecordedMark as Awarded


Note: If calendar date is greyed out, please review advancement version expiration, tenure requirements, or if you are trying to select a future date.

Requirements Version

This Advancement has no requirements.

current* Cub ScoutPack 104


Position: Pack Admin(2 more positions/roles)

  • Parent / Guardian

Pack 0104

Connection: Arwen Black

@NatashaJohnson is the Scout on the 2024 Version of their den rank? Also Try a Shift + Refresh of page

I’m seeing the same error for Bear adventures – both my Scout in parent role and other Scouts in my pack admin role.

I’m also seeing other errors, e.g. can’t change requirements version for an AOL to the 2024 version.

I’ve done shift-refresh, logged out and logged back in, etc.

@RyanTashma does AOL have a complete date?

No. That error’s gone for me now, but OP’s very verbose error persists for me. I’ve additionally gotten a Scoutbook popup reporting server issues and suggesting switching to offline mode.

It doesn’t give the option to select versions,the pull down is blank, I last entered requirements Monday so it is a new bug for me. Tried different scouts and it is the same on all of their advancement pages.

here is how it looks.

@NatashaJohnson you would change it on Webelos rank - not the adventure
Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 4.35.48 PM

this is what I get at the rank screen

I am having this same issue today… Please advise if there is a solve.

@RyanTashma @NatashaJohnson @KellyBaines - I just checked my phone and pc and I am not seeing the errors anymore

Yes a change was made - Log out of BSA systems and log back in

Mine is working now too! Thanks!

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