Help with my and my sons accounts?


I have an old account thru my NESA membership (member id 3548475). I made what I thought was a youth account for my son joining a Cub scout pack last year (member id 140404773) but I think it actually created as an adult account? How do I get this corrected? I had just submitted his renewal and paid the fees and was trying to see about how to transfer him to a new pack as we are one that meets on a different day and I can’t find this function anywhere.

In principle, the Transfer option should appear under your my.scouting account (same credentials you use to login to Scoutbook/SB+) under

Left side drop-down menu → My Application → Transfer/Multiple Applications

However, it requires that the registration be current, so it may take some time after submitting the renewal to be available again.

Ok, thank you for clearing that part up. I’ll check tomorrow if it is available on his account.

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To clarify, it won’t ever appear on the scout’s my.scouting or Scoutbook/SB+ profile. It appears only on the account of the parent/guardian associated with the scout on their original youth application (or on any other parent/guardian who has been added by the council registrar). The parent/guardian association has to be added in the official membership database (which only the council staff can access), not just in Scoutbook/SB+ (which can be edited to some extent by unit scouters).

@VincentGuilliams Please log all the way out of your account at my.Scouting, and then log back in.

You might also need to contact your local council and ask them to correct the spelling of your last name. It looks like it might have a typo.

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Thank you. I’ll see about getting that corrected.

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