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I have an old account thru my NESA membership (member id 3548475). I made what I thought was a youth account for my son joining a Cub scout pack last year (member id 140404773) but I think it actually created as an adult account? How do I get this corrected? I had just submitted his renewal and paid the fees and was trying to see about how to transfer him to a new pack as we are changing.to one that meets on a different day and I can’t find this function anywhere.
To clarify, it won’t ever appear on the scout’s my.scouting or Scoutbook/SB+ profile. It appears only on the account of the parent/guardian associated with the scout on their original youth application (or on any other parent/guardian who has been added by the council registrar). The parent/guardian association has to be added in the official membership database (which only the council staff can access), not just in Scoutbook/SB+ (which can be edited to some extent by unit scouters).