Merging Scout Accounts

I am new to a unit but have duplicate accounts for my son. Can they be merged?

Scout account to keep - 1864505, account to merge- 11803341

I am looking into this

Ok this should be complete now.

Could you merge two accounts? The unit leader said one of his commitee member does not appear in their roster.

132229819 is actively registered.
113147279 should be merged.
13206294 may need to be merged as well.

Thank you for your insight and help

Please work with your council registrar to merge these accounts as needed. It looks like they are in myScouting not Scoutbook

I cannot merge the top two as CBC has been run on both already.

Is there a reason 132229819 would not appear in the Scoutbook unit roster? I should have prefaced, I am the council registrar

@MatthewAnderson6 once CBC is run the MID is locked - it can be managed but not merged

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It looks like it had a pending MC position in SB for some reason (someone hand entered it is my guess) anyway. I removed it and requested a sync. Should be back in the unit after 5pm CT tonight.

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I knew it was the case for ScoutNET, wasn’t sure if that translated to Scoutbook also. Thank you

Thank you for your help!

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