Mystery Patrol named after one of our leaders

One of our leaders is suddenly seeing a patrol named after themselves. None of the other leaders in our unit see that patrol listed in Scoutbook. Just that one leader.

Their current permissions don’t allow them to create or delete patrols.

2020-10-15 14_24_25-(33 unread) - - Yahoo Mail 2020-10-15 14_25_08-Troop 624 B

Are there scouts or leaders in that patrol, from that leader’s view?

We call it a zombie patrol - it happens (we think) when they are a leader of a patrol and all scouts leave - it is on the backlog

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The “zombie patrol” issue shows up when a user adds their own position as Assistant Scoutmaster, and in the “Name” field puts their own name instead of leaving it blank or using an existing patrol name. It’s a residual issue that came from the time when Scoutbook had individual patrol subscriptions.

Ask Kenneth to click on the Kenneth Patrol and give the url to a Troop Admin. A Troop Admin can Edit Patrol, and then Approve Patrol. The patrol will act like a normal patrol at this point.

Charley: No

Jennifer: Thanks! We’ll give that a try.

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