On-Going Service Projects

Is there a way to create a Service Hour event that extends over more than a single month? Our Troop has a long standing relationship with a local food bank where members of the Troop can drop in and help out at anytime during the year and then turn in their time to the troop after they are done. In the OA’s Lodgemaster, its possible to create one 12 month event and then post the service hours on the actual date when the work was performed. That doesn’t seem possible in Internet Advancement. Instead, we have to create a new event for each day that the Scouts work at the food bank. I know there are issues with adding Scouts/Scouters to events after it has been created but if, in the process of fixing that, they could create a way to have a single service hour event and post service hours with the date the service was performed would be very helpful and save a lot of volunteer time and effort.

Yours in Service
Chuck Olson

I understand this request and I see the value for the reduction in setting up events. That said, there would need to be some thought given to how these hours get rolled up and reported. IA reports on completed and approved projects. I think it would have to use a different construct to report on hours that were logged as part of an “in-process” project.

There is not a limit on the number of hours you can add per scout per project now (I don’t think) - you would just have to go back to the start date to enter them

Donovan: That is correct and the way we currently post them, but when you have a project that stretches over several months, it seems misleading to say that Scout M did 40 hours of service on a single day, which is the way it currently comes out on the activity report. It makes people, such as our Chartered Organization, question just how trustworthy Scouts really are.
Hope you are doing well.

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