Resolving Duplicate BSA IDs

@BrianColucci talk to council on this - they need to clean things up - Unit registrations are on 175 - MBC and Child relationships are on 119953693 (that is the one I would keep)

Thank you. I will work with the council staff.

Can you please help merge 3 SB accounts? No idea what happened, but the scout shows up 3x in the roster w/ different name variations since recharter posted.

SB User ID:2756427 and BSA Member ID:134772136 KEEP THIS ONE

SB User ID:13569892 and no BSA Member ID
SB User ID:13594429 and no BSA Member ID

@JillBarr that is fixed

Hello, I am assisting some parents in the Wolf Den of Pack 45 (Louisiana Purchase Council 213). I am listed as the den leader and two parents have asked me to remove duplicate IDs (they specifically gave me the BSA ID that they don’t want). Am I allowed to make this request or do I need to ask another leader to do this? Thank you, Aivy Navarro

@AivyNavarro If you could please post the BSA numbers of the Scouts with the duplicate parents, we can take a look.

(No names, please)

Can we merge a parent’s two BSA #s? Please
#135151770- keep this one. All of her training is attached to this one that I can see.

I may have another adult with more than one MID. Or, he just needs a connection made to his second scout (a registrar issue). Please let me know what the problem is.

Adult, MID 12762161, is registered with a troop. He has two scouts.

  • Scout MID 13923876 is registered in a pack. Dad can see this scout in My.Scouting > My Applications
  • Scout MID 134532978 is registered in a troop. Dad can’t see this scout in My Applications

Thank you for your help with this!

@CaitlinCornell I am checking.

@CaitlinCornell This should be fixed.

She needs to log in with her my.Scouting username – not her e-mail address.

Also, she is currently opted out of e-mails from Scoutbook. If she wants to opt back in, she can log in to Scoutbook and go to:

My Dashboard → Administration → My Account → Email

Then switch the “Messaging Opt-Out” toggle.

@DougWright Do you know if this user earned the Eagle Scout rank around 1999?

@DougWright This user has 3 BSA member ID numbers (possibly 4). His primary is BSA 12762161.

Please ask him to log in with his my.Scouting username – not his e-mail address.

However, his parent / child “Relationships” are a bit messed up and split between some of his different MIDs. Your local council will need to fix with their Registrar Tools.

Ask them to use the Registrar Tools and look up each of his children. In the “Relationships” tab / section, he should be listed as parent only under his primary BSA MID 12762161. He should be removed if listed as parent under any other MIDs.

Hi @JenniferOlinger,

Yes, he did earn Eagle around 1999.

I have told him to use his username, not email, to log into My.Scouting and Scoutbook.

I will now contact our registrar.

Thank you for your efforts on this!

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@DougWright Could you ask your council to take another look?

It looks mostly fixed, but in his “Relationships” he is both: “son of” and “father of” one of his Scouts (Scout with BSA 13923876).

Our registrar has deleted the error connection “son of” his scout.

Thank you!

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I have another adult not connected to their scout - is this a multiple MID problem or just no parent connection?

Adult MID 12514907

  • Registered in a troop
  • Submitted a transfer to join my troop
  • Does not see son in My.Scouting > My Applications to transfer son to my troop
  • Only has one scout
  • Earned Eagle many years ago in Baltimore Area Council

Scout MID 12351802

@DougWright He does have multiple BSA MIDs. I was able to fix things for him.

It looks like the mother has the parent / child “relationship” where she should be able to see the Scout under “My Applications” at my.Scouting. Your council can add the parent / child relationship using the Registrar Tools, so that both parents can have access to the son’s “My Applications”.

Hello Ms. Jennifer, Apologies for the delayed response (more than one year). The parent decided not to do anything because he was concerned about losing connection with his son’s Scoutbook profile and/or about losing his son’s progress so far. Per the parent’s instruction, I did not follow-up. However, now that Scoutbook Plus is in the works he found out that he could not pay for his son’s registration and he had to do it via a phone call to the council. It seems to me that eventually will be closed and we are going to use ScoutbookPlus only. Is this correct? If so, then what do you recommend would be vest for this parent? Thank you so much, Aivy

@AivyNavarro The ability for a parent / guardian to renew their Scout’s membership has to do with parent / child “relationships” at my.Scouting. Scoutbook (legacy) and Scoutbook Plus are separate.

If you post the parent’s BSA member ID number(s), we can take a look and provide a recommendation.

(No names, please.)

@AivyNavarro If you do not know the parent’s BSA member ID number, you can provide the Scout’s BSA member ID number instead. Please let us know if the BSA member ID number belongs to the parent or to the Scout.

(No names, please.)