Roster Analysis - Duplicate ID - Parent Email Issue

I ran the “Roster Analysis” - I am unable to fix these two errors:

  1. Duplicate Parent Name:
    Parent SBID connectionID Parent BSAID|
    389713 2369049 135325040
    9090504 60504596 131885163 - This is the current account - active account.
    389713 2369049 135325040
    389713 2369049 135325040

  2. Parent Email Issue
    11400468 50697060 13587825 - Currently has ChangeMyEmail

How can I correct these?
Thank you,

@MichaelSandell if you want help you are going to have to define these numbers

@MichaelSandell #2 - the parent applied their email to Scouts account

The numbers are Parent SBID, connectionID and Parent BSAID

Thank you,

@MichaelSandell this is fixed

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