Scoutbook Invitation for New User

Hi All i keep getting confused here.
I have a new parent who did not sign up for any platform yet.
I sent her an invitation for scoutbook and when she tried to use it said there was no temp password and she was not able to create one. I know i had some back and forth before on whether she needs to do a my.scouting account first but was told previously that all you need is scoutbook.

So not sure what all she saw but looking for clarification do they need to do a my.scouting account first or can they just go with scoutbook?

She may already have an account, if she’s ever gone to any BSA training (in person or online), including Youth Protection Training.

OK I know for sure she doesn’t because she only joined Scouting yesterday

Have her try the “forgot password” link on the Scoutbook login page. That might get her around the missing temporary password problem.

That worked thanks… Now that should transition over to my.scouting as well right.

Well, it should

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