Scoutbook Showing Wrong Troop

Hello all,

Completely new here. My son is in a Troop in Ohio and he used to be previously in a Troop on a military base in Japan. Up until a few weeks ago I could see his new Troop on Scoutbook, along with al the events and such. But recently Scoutbook shows that my son is in the old Troop. Both Troops appear on his page, but even when I click on the new one it still takes me to the old troop.

Does anyone know if it is a bug or whether there is a way to fix this?


Post the BSA # in Scoutbook Profile and we can look

I am sorry, I am not sure if you are asking for my ID number. That would be 14155449.

Thank you for your help.


@ChristianFarina I can only find one BSA member number for your son, and he is only registered in a Cub Scout pack in the old council (Far East).

He needs to be registered with the troop in the new council.

Ok, thank you. But why was it showing the new troop for a while?

@ChristianFarina _ suspect that the scout was only transferred in scoutbook only

Thank you all for your help. Yes, it seems that my son was not fully registered with the new Troop. The leaders are looking into it.

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