We need a national support line for this product!

There has been an issue with my account for over 4 months. I have worked with the Council who keeps emailing national as they can’t call national either. So far I have had my logon changed, I have gained 2 children from 2 separate councils, and have some other account tied to my pack that isn’t me. This is a 10 minute call to get straightened out with someone at national with access that keeps dragging on. You cannot force this program on us and not support it. A registrar in the council is not a viable support structure. If you want to run enterprise level software, you need to provide enterprise level support. We need to be able to call in for real technical support when issues arise. I’m ready to move my pack back to Packmaster at this point.

I sent you a private message. Click on your icon in the upper right and the envelope to see it.

William got the accounts merged for me!


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