Where can I find help with the new forums?

All of us have opted into scouting. I would expect to receive updates as a member, unless I opt out otherwise.

It would help if the forum automatically created subcategories within the units also. One pack, one per den, and one committee. Then you could just opt people in to their specific den subcategory and and unit-wide updates. Then people that hold a committee position could automatically be subscribed to the committee subcategory also. Then they’re automatically opted in to specifically what they need and nothing that they don’t. A visual mailing list, that stores the data as a knowledge base over time. The best part is that Scoutbook already knows all of that info about each user.

I assume that every email that goes out has an opt out message attached to it, so that covers that end. It’s easy to exit.

Issue with not automatically adding people is that they don’t know what they don’t know. If they’re not aware of it at all, it’s much more difficult to find and opt in, than it is to just click the link on an email that you received, to opt out.

Unsubscribing is ubiquitous these days. Most know how to do it. Subscribing specifically to Dicourse is not familiar to everybody.

The flip side right now is that the units are using Facebook, WhatsApp, GroupMe, etc, and everyone gets everything anyway… or nothing (off social media). With the internal knowledge of this platform, we are finally in a position to have a singular platform that all Scouting communications come through, in a more refined manner than social media can do.

This is why I’d also like to see us work towards all District and Council communications being on the same communication platform. Single tool, single stream. Turn up the signal, turn down the noise, for everyone.