YPT expire date is incomprehensible, which makes me sad

I suspect this is a result of it being a value stored in a fixed-length field, for example in a spreadsheet.

For a plain English report and warning messages: “Your youth protection training (YPT) will expire soon (in 1 to 30 days).” would be nice plain language.

Optional YPT Status Message column?

“YPT Status: Expires in 1 to 30 days.” would be nicer.

Perhaps a “YPT Status Message” column could be added or be an optional column instead of the “YPT Status” column.

Technical Reports

In reference to reporting via the council, it would be nice to have the Jira technical report input format available to non-professionals so that the information needed by BSA® IT department can be provided.

There are different report forms in the Jira system. Submitting a customer care report does not always work well for technical issues.

Created: 2022-04-30, updated: 2022-05-27-C