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I am the Advancement Chair for my troop and have full access to all the scout’s accounts. I am still waiting for our Sponsoring organization to approve my position, but I am able to enter all the scout’s information and advancements. The problem that I am running into is that only some of the rank advancements that I am entering show up for the scoutmaster to approve. He can see the other ones entered, but there is nothing for him to approve.
Make sure that the membership is approved for all of the scouts (green shield). You can enter completed dates for unapproved scouts, but cannot enter approved dates and will not see them on the Needs Approval report.
Also make sure that advancement is synced for those scouts. This doesn’t sound like your issue the way I read it, but you might want to check anyway. Completed advancement for non-synced scouts will show up on the Needs Approval report, but cannot be approved.