Council-Level Forums (& District)

Having specific channels for positions at all three levels (C,D,&U) would be a great benefit for sharing best practices around training.

At least at the D and U level, the quality of position on-boarding and training varies widely. With designated channels for these position based conversations, we would have a way to community cross train from outside of your immediate D or U.

To say that Round Tables are a replacement for forums is to say that we only need to talk about Scouting once a month. Forums serve an entirely different purpose. The fact that some Cs & Ds have separate systems to handle these communications highlights the overall need. Why force all of these conversations to be spread across disperate systems? The standardization of A communications platform should be the goal. This simplifies both parental and leader on-boarding, training, and streamlines ongoing operations at all levels. It becomes THE source for info. Not check here for this, and there for that.

Seems like it should be a higher priority since we’re so close already.