Add District and Council Position Codes

Some leaders want to update their Scoutbook profiles with all their Scouting positions, including district and council-level ones. Can higher-level position titles be added to the existing unit-level titles?

Creating district and council-level position codes could also open the door for creating district-and council-level forums (since moderation of forums at that level would presumably require users with positions at that level. While that could also be achieved by having the council’s Key3 be moderators, councils may not want to assign moderation duties to the Key3 in particular).

This is a re-request of a similar subject from the Legacy Forums, found here:

And similar to (but broader than) this requests from the new forums:

Note: I already understand “Scoutbook was meant to be a tool for units”, but those of us who are willing to buy in to new technology can also see the potential for this tool to be even better. :slight_smile:


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