Eagle "type of project" problem

it is SHIFT + Refresh to fix

It doesn’t work.

Try a hard page reload.

CTRL + F5 might work, depending on your browser.

Still not working as of 10/23/23. Seems that the source data is missing from the drop down table. I have tried multiple refreshes within Chrome and the internet advancement app.


Try an incognito window. This will make sure you are not using cached data.

Thanks, but its not a browser issue. I found that if the radial button for eagle project is set to yes it disables the drop down for what type of project. So if a scout is conducting an eagle project we can’t click yes because the drop down of project type is a required field.

@JamesGuilfoyle - the eagle project list works for me… I get a scrolling list after a page refresh


Every person who has reported this issue has fixed it with a hard refresh (SHIFT+REFRESH) or going to an incognito window. Have you tried our suggestions of going to an incognito window or doing a hard refresh when the drop down is empty?


I tried multiple refreshes last night and that didn’t work. I was able to get it to work in Cognito mode. If BSA doesnt want to invest in fixing this issue with a regular browser I would suggest a text field be added to the drop down area making the suggestion to try the other mode.

@JamesGuilfoyle - how were you doing the refresh ? Additionally, if incognito mode worked then there is something in your browser add-ins possibly causing an issue


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