Error adding additional scouts to a service project record

gives an error and does not accept adding additional scouts to an existing service project record event


@ds1 - this is a known issue. The approach that may work is this:

Start at the roster - select scouts and adults(change the filter to show adults)

Click on record progress and select the type

Create the event

Enter details


Thanks for your reply.
Adding new events works fine, but modifying/editing an existing Service event to add additional scouts isn’t. Is there a workaround for that?

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There is no know workaround yet to doing it in that order.

Thanks. Is there a forum to add this to please get it resolved. Hugely inefficient as it is now


It’s already a known error, and SUAC has indicated that it has been passed along to development. There isn’t any way for us to accelerate development’s activity on the issue.


I know nothing, but here are my thoughts. I assume it isn’t really easy, or it would have been fixed now as it is a clear bug vs. a feature request. The finance log improvements seem to be the next big focus. After that, development of the recharter features to Internet Advancement will likely be a huge focus. Then/on-going is replacement of all registrar (behind the scenes) features need to be moved over to modern systems by the end of the year. A long while ago (a year? maybe 1.5?) they did a roll out of an improved activities tools in IA. It was a disaster and it was rolled back and never mentioned again. I wouldn’t be surprised if after the registrar tools, this again could be a focus. It added a lot of features that seemed to be much more parallel to the existing Scoutbook calendar. I assume this work hasn’t been totally canceled, but on hold for the extra development time needed.

I have no inside information, just a guess about what is out there and use of the limited development resources.

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Yes, ALWAYS ERRORS in IA 2.0, we have the same issue, I forgot a scout upon initial entry and now I can not add them. Never had any issues using Scoutbook just saying again, another hour of my life consumed by terrible software.

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I have reported this bug previously. Since we generally know the names of everyone who goes on a camping trip or a hike shortly after the event, holding off posting camping and hiking is not an issue (unless its time to determine OA eligibility or award a National Outdoor Achievement Award). However, this is a big problem when dealing with service hours. Scouts turn in their service hours day, weeks and sometimes months after the event. Even on some Eagle projects, I will get additions to the project for four to six weeks after the project. While the Scouts are getting credit if they post them in their handbooks, those service hours are NOT being recorded and reported up the chain because of this glitch. In my troop alone, I would estimate that over 100 service hours have not, and will not, be reported since I first reported the issue because fixing this bug has such a low priority.


We generally know the names of everyone at a service activity as well. We ALWAYS have two-deep adult leadership, even for Eagle projects. One of the tasks for the adults present at the service activity is to know who participated and for how long. That’s not solely for tracking service hours; it’s also part of making sure we are providing a safe environment for the volunteers to serve.

Since that’s always in place, it’s not very difficult to create the service activity in IA2 immediately after it’s completed.

The only place we have had any issue with this is when a Scout does some kind of outside service (for example with his church or school), and then wants to include that in his service log for the Troop. Fortunately, in those cases, we’re typically dealing with only one or two Scouts at at time, and can add an activity that reflects that.

I’m confident that our record in IA2 is close to 100% accurate for service hours since that system was launched.

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