Error! User cannot mark requirement

I am my child’s AOL den leader and when it comes to my child for marking off finished requirements, the system says “error! user cannot mark requirement”.

We just had our first summer meeting on Monday and several scouts have visited troops on June 2 & June 3 so I wanted to make sure to get their Bobcat pin information in the system.

I have made sure that I am in the page for me as den leader and not parent.

I’m also a Scoutmaster in Troop for another child but I haven’t needed to mark anything yet for that one so I do not know if there are issues there.


This is a known issue. Parents are not able to mark their children’s requirements. The developers are investigating but at this time we do not know when it may be fixed.

Watch the Scoutbook - Scoutbook Plus Change Log - Scouting Forums for announcement of a fix.

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