Expanded BBCodes for Email (and Calendar)

Would like full access to all of the BBCodes available when sending e-mails. The one that comes to mind the most is the LIST function. Additionally, it would be beneficial if these were available for Calendar entries.

Take a look at this item from the Scoutbook help guide for BB Codes in emails:

Neither sorted nor unsorted lists are supported. No BB Codes are supported in the calendar module, and making any significant updates to that before it’s replaces is pretty unlikely.

It would be good to either get WYSIWYG and/or or BB Code/HTML formatting support in the event descriptions as part of the calendar update when it gets here (or at least leave hooks to hang it on in a later update).

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Getting BBCode in the calendar events is already something the developers are considering. We will submit the request for lists and other BBCodes, but I don’t know when or if that will be enhanced.

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