How do I add new scouts to existing events efficiently?

I just tested this out again. NO this is not happening automatically. If I go into an event and hit edit it will not automatically update attendance

Also if I manually remove older scouts and save the event, when “saved successfully” it still has the original list.


The only workaround I can see is deleting the old appointments and remaking them. I’m really not open to another steep learning curve to make a non-intuitive system work, so I hope this gets fixed soon.

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@MichaelCasella Could you provide the event number and the member number of some of the dropped scouts who still appear as invitees?

I don’t know where to find event ID unless it’s the URL - 5237190. I don’t have the ability to look up bsaID anymore for these scouts since we transferred them or ended their membership.

This new system is no improvement over before. I honestly don’t know who in nationals makes these decisions to launch frustrating tools that volunteers are expected to deal with on top of running a scouting program. Even if it worked, it looks like adding participants is still a pain and the system is still dreadfully slow.

Not sure what the point of the delay to launch IA calendar was if it’s still problematic

I’ll send you a private message.

I read all the previous messages in this thread but I can’t find where to add new scouts to existing events. I see the last message was over a week ago. Have the instructions changed?

@MattWeiss assuming you are talking about adding them to all the events at once, you first have to have the feature assistant extension for chrome or Firefox installed. Then, you’ll see an option to invite them to existing events under my dashboard.

in Scoutbook, not in SB+IA. :^)

Got it! Thanks. I missed it the first five times I looked. I didn’t realize that the options expanded.

I’m looking all over the dashboard (with the extension enabled) and don’t see the option. Any chance of a quick step-by-step or a screen shot?


Click on the Events tab on the My Dashboard page in Scoutbook.
