How to mark Awarded in mass

How does a leader mark achievements as “awarded” in ScoutBook+? The reports link in legacy ScoutBook goes to ScoutBook+, but it appears to be a dead end

my SB Needs Awarding report is still live?

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This response does not answer the question. The link shows legacy SB not new SB+.

Unfortunately, no. It forwards to SB+ and there’s no option for marking a group of advancements as awarded that I can see.

Yes. The answer to my question isn’t in the document, that’s why I’m posting here. You see, there’s a link at the bottom of the document that directs here. So, you providing me a link back to it is a circular and unhelpful response. Have a nice day!

@PEPJr happy to setup a quick screenshare to take a look as SB Needs awarding is fine for me

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@PEPJr - my apologies… I would have thought the help docs would cover that but not the case I gather. A screen share would be the best option to see what is happening and how to correct or report an issue

No worries! It’s working now. I can’t duplicate what I was seeing, so it must’ve been user error. Topic flagged for removal.

I’m sorry to jump on here, but how do I mark adventures as Awarded in bulk in the new Scoutbook? I’m not sure I understand what was described above nor do I see documentation on the new Scoutbook to explain how to.

When I just tried, I had to do it one scout at a time:

  • go to the Roster
  • enable Group by Dens
  • click on a scout
  • go to the rank
  • view all adventures (the link to Internet Advancement)
  • filter by Approved
  • click on each adventure
  • mark as Awarded and Save
  • go back to the rank, click view adventures, filter by Approved, click the adventure, mark as Awarded, and repeat per adventure
  • then go back to the Roster and do it all again for each scout (without refreshing the webpage to reset the Roster filter/sort order, though the refresh is the only way to see the changes to the Award status per scout)

Please tell me I’m doing it wrong and there is a better way?

I understand the way to Bulk Enter earning adventures and approving them, but not the same for Awarding them.


@SeanDooley - does anything show up in needs awarding in ?

Yes. Via Den > Den Reports > Needs Awarding Report. I have six adventures that are earned and approved but just need to be marked awarded.

@SeanDooley you can mark awarded in Scoutbook where you see it - just make sure they are on a closed Purchase Order

Understood, I can mark awarded in Scoutbook.

Question though: is there a way to do the same in Scoutbook Plus? Or is this an example of a feature that has not been ported over yet and so we leaders need to straddle both systems for a bit longer?

it can be done individually in SB+ but not as a group

Is there a quicker way to mark awarded per-scout in Scoutbook Plus? Right now after marking one adventure awarded, I don’t seem to be able to navigate back to the adventures without starting over at the rank for that scout (as described above).

Is adding the ability to mark awarded in bulk on the feature request list for Scoutbook Plus, or is that not something that will be added anytime soon?



I do not recall if there is something like Needs Awarding in the backlog. I will request it be added if not.

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Thank you @edavignon .

Keeping this alive as there is no way to do this still in SB+. There used to be a way to bulk award for our den leaders but this will be absolutely necessary as soon as we start having pack meetings in the Fall.

Individual awards are clunky and I don’t think I can get our leaders to keep up with it. Hard enough to have them keep up with the entry/approval.

Definitely need some development before then. Thanks in advance.

All you have to do is go to to mark awarded in mass for now - that is simple answer until the SB+ is developed

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