Include link to latest bylaws in Terms and Conditions agreement

Request: Please add a link to the latest bylaws in the Terms and Conditions (TaC) agreement.

Following up on transparency when being presented with the TaC, regarding the Declaration of Religious principle, since this topic was closed due to being off topic.

When registering a new scout, the TaC require you to “subscribe to this Declaration of Religious Principle and to the Bylaws of the Boy Scouts of America”.

The OP of the linked topic went through a lot of trouble to pull together resources of what the BSA means by the DoRP, which is now outdated of course, since it’s several years old. The linked topic has over 18,000 views, and goes to show that folks are looking for this info. New members and parents would be well served by being directly linked to the documents they are agreeing to.

Thank you!

P.S. I hope this is the right category to post to. It seems reasonable, given the about page. If not, I would appreciate help from a mod to change the category and let the topic stand as product feedback.

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This request needs to be made via your Council professional staff. The BSA does not monitor these forums and all requests other than for Scoutbook/Scoutbook Plus must be made through local Councils.

I am talking about the terms and conditions while registering an account in

I have to say that I am confused, are these not forums specifically for

Yes send it to your council to send in - no Staff are on the forums


These forums are to discuss issues that the volunteers can help solve. When we can’t solve an issue we have to direct you to your Council staff.


Absolutely! Thank you for the clarification.

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