Incorrect Parent Association in Scoutbook

How do I resolve a parent being associated to the wrong scout in Scoutbook? The scout the incorrect parent is under has not accepted invitation to the incorrect scout. They are correctly associated to their scout and can access.
Per a google search, it stated to send an email to, as administrators could not adjust this. I received an email back from that email address saying to inquire here, as the email account is no longer being monitored. Please advise.

@JamesFoster4 - contact your council and ask that the use the VST tools to remove the incorrect parent from the youth. Provide the BSA id of the youth and if possible the incorrect parent.

If they have not accepted unit can erase the connection

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@JamesFoster4 Yes - if not logged in as yet that connection can be deleted from the connections page of the scout.

Thank you. I was able to delete the incorrect connection, and then invite the scout’s correct parent to join.

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