Issue with specific scout account

We had a scout that was automatically dropped during recharter and had to go through the manual process to get re-added. Now in scoutbook the scout has multiple accounts showing. Could you please show how to delete or clean up the accounts that are no sync/not correct? 12444191


Thank you.

@MaiTran This should be fixed.

Thanks for the quick fix Jennifer. There is still another profile showing for Trinity. There’s one in the Patrol with leader, which is correct. The other one to remove is under "not in Patrol.

Have you checked to see if that’s just a second membership for the same Scoutbook account, @MaiTran? You can check that by going to the scout’s Memberships page. If so, just putting an end date on the “extra” membership in the unit (i.e. the one not already assigned to a patrol) should resolve the spurious membership.

@MaiTran this is fixed

Confirmed all fixed. Thank you so much!

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