Leader Scoutbook Login Issues

We have some issues with some of our leaders being able to login to Scoutbook. As of last week, our Cubmaster couldn’t even login. 3 of them have the yellow caution sign with the exclamation point next to their names in the Scoutbook Pack Roster, and it says they are not on the official unit roster in my.scouting.org. I’m guessing we need to do something with that but not sure what I need to do.

Our Cubmaster’s ID#'s are below if you want to take a look.
SB User ID:
BSA Member ID:

Then we have one leader who had 2 accounts. Someone from Council supposedly looked at the wrong BSA number for his YPT training and saw it wasn’t done so removed him from Scoutbook, even though his primary BSA # was current with training. We still don’t have him back in Scoutbook. Could really use some help with these issues. Thanks.


Your cubmaster has 2 BSA Member IDs and 2 Scoutbook accounts. I will fix these.

We need the BSA Member ID for the other leader to fix that account.


Your cubmaster’s account is fixed. Ask your council registrar to move the Parent relationship to his daughter from MID 137337287 to his registered MID 134339909

Here is the info for the other two leaders that have the same issue as our Cubmaster did.

SB User ID:
BSA Member ID:

SB User ID:
BSA Member ID:

I will post the other leader’s info that got deleted from Scoutbook later today when I get it from him. I appreciate your help.

Here is the BSA# of the leader that accidentally got deleted.

BSA# 11567044

@ThomasKoepp The first 2 are fixed I think

@ThomasKoepp this BSA # does not exist?

@DonovanMcNeil That’s the problem. Someone from council seems to have deleted his whole account and we can’t get council to respond to emails asking for a fix. Not sure what to do.

That is very unlikely - there are always traces - I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green dot with a number 1 > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

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