Lost all MBC assignments!

We logged in today and all scouts in our troop have lost all of their MBC assignments for incomplete MBs. Really hoping there is a way to recover this info for our 126 scouts without having to reassign every open merit badge! My BSA ID is 12296744.

There’s related discussion here: https://discussions.scouting.org/t/all-mbc-connections-were-deleted-from-my-account/286403/2

Thanks, I saw that. In this case our recharter is complete, our profiles are not expired and even at the unit level we lost all MB counselors, so it seems like a different glitch maybe?

I suspect not. The MBC position is a council-level role, rather than a unit-level one. Therefore, it’s the council-level renewal that is germane. That said, are you saying that your MBC position at my.scouting is also showing an expiration date in the future? That would be a significant difference suggesting another cause rather than non-renewal of the MBC-specific registration prior to the expiration of the grace period.

Yes, that is what I’m saying, on Scouting.org it says my MBC expires 12/31/22 so not expired. We checked several counselors, none of them have expired as MBC but all Connections were lost.

Well I see you MBC and Leader connected to several Scouts? Bryce K - Anish K

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