Merge BSA Numbers

Is it possible to help me assign my primary BSA ID 109699958 to Scoutbook?
For some reason it has returned me to another assigned number. Thanks!


I’m looking into this for you

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You have 2 current registrations, one in Ozark Trails Council and one in Transatlantic Council. The reason your SB ID changed to a different MID is because of the two registrations. Which is your primary registration and are you really active in both councils?

Yes, I was registered in both for separate reasons, mostly TC for travel. I’ve also been assigned a third number 13665561 where my account is currently tied. However my Primary ID, the one I use most often is 109699958. If I could get 109699958 set as my primary, life would be good!


Check 13665561 as this BSA Member ID (MID) is assigned to someone else.

The problem you will have is every time your TAC mebership is renewed, the MID attached to your Scoutbook account will switch. This is because Scoutbook only support 1 MID and each Council has their own set. To facilitate people moving, when a change is made in Akela, the membership database, the system looks for a Scoutbook ID with the same name and Date of Birth and if found, changes the MID in Scoutbook.

I can switch this now but you will have the same issue again later.

Gotcha. Thank you. I’m guessing I should drop Transatlantic registration to avoid this issue in the future?

If you could make the switch now to make 109699958 the primary, that would be fantastic.


This is fixed

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