National Commissioner Service Team Webinar

Please join the National Commissioner Service Team as we present a summary of Unit Service achievements over the past year and discuss potential high priority issues, such as commissioner development (training), recruiting, starting and sustaining units, and delivering effective roundtables on Zoom. We will be presenting on Tuesday, May 19th at 7PM Central Time. This webinar is in addition to the webinar on Roundtables held on May 14th.

Time is short so Register Today at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

If you have suggestions on high priority issues that need to be addressed to enable you to serve units better, please let us hear from you. Send your thoughts to When you do, please be sure to include your email address in the body of your email.

Scouting continues to change to remain relevant to today’s youth and families; Unit Service continues to change to help ensure every member of the BSA has a great Scouting experience. And, our time together will also offer an opportunity for all of to learn how today’s technology can enable effective virtual experiences when face-to-fact meetings aren’t possible.