New Scouts showing up as transfers

I had two new youth join (brothers) Scouting for the first time and they are showing up as transfer Scouts in Scoutbook. I confirmed with their mother that they have never been in Scouting before; also noted that they were both charged the $25 “entrance fee”. It’s possible the parent checked the wrong box when filling out the applications.
Their my.scouting IDs match the Scoutbook IDs.
Scout 1
SB User ID: 12653732
BSA Member ID: 14492512
Scout 2
SB User ID: 12653734
BSA Member ID: 14492614

Why do you think they are transfer?

The screen capture I posted. That’s never showed up for new Scouts.

That message shows up for all Scouts on the Scout’s Membership page in Scoutbook. It was added because too many users mistakenly thought that changing a Scout’s unit in Scoutbook was an official transfer.

OK, thanks. Was there a notice about it that I missed?

The notice has been there for over a year. I don’t recall if there was a change log entry for this message.

Odd–I’ve had multiple new Scouts join and that’s the first time I’ve seen the message.

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