Not sure if a bug or user error - incomplete Cub advancement history showing

I have twin brothers in a Tiger Den. One shows his complete advancement history when I click on advancement under his profile. The other doesn’t (things have been correct until recently).

Profile missing advancement:

Profile with advancement:

Both joined at the same time, completed Lion, Bobcat, and now Tiger. One shows Lion, Bobcat, and Tiger. The other does not. I am at a complete loss as to why and could use the Scoutbook guru’s help (all other Scouts in the Den have complete profile, only “G”’s profile shows just Bobcat). I checked membership and he has proper start and end dates for Lion and Tiger Den (or at least the same as the others). :man_shrugging:t2::man_shrugging:t2::man_shrugging:t2::man_shrugging:t2: Hoping for some good insight!

You say he has start and end dates for the Lion and Tiger den but do not say if he is in another den. He must be in a den to show Cub Scout advancement.

Sorry, I mis-typed. He has an end date for the Lion Den. He does NOT have an end date for the Tiger Den. He is assigned to my Den and shows up with the rest of his Den in all the Den listings within ScoutBook.

Try looking at the Scout’s Edit Profile page to see if the LDS toggle is turned on. The toggle should be turned off.

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Bingo. LDS was toggled on for him. Don’t have a clue why. Now it’s back to normal. Thanks @JenniferOlinger The gurus know their stuff!

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