Nova and Supernova as Sea Scout electives

I saw recently that Sea Scout Advancement Central shows two new elective options for Sea Scouts: earning a Nova award or earning a Supernova award.

Is it possible to have this category (Awards) and those two options added to Scoutbook under the Sea Scout electives section? I have one scout who has earned a Supernova Award; but I can’t enter it.

They should be under awards. Are they not?

ETA - I now see that the request is more about hotlinking the awards to count as elective for advancement purposes.

We were not informed of this - we will get a story written on it - no idea when it will be worked on

I just learned about this, it’s really neat! Here’s the source: Advancement Central - Sea Scouts BSA

I would like some clarification: “Complete any Nova Award” and “Complete any Supernova Award” to me seems to include both the Cub Scout Nova/Supernova and Scouts BSA Nova/Supernova, but they may have meant the Sea Scout/Venturing Nova/Supernova only. Can we get some clarification on that?

@PaulMcDonald That’s a great question. I don’t see any way that the CS award would count since those have to be earned prior to joining Sea Scouts. We’ll need official word on whether Scouts BSA Nova/Supernova count. If so, that’d great an additional challenge in identifying whether they were earned before or after joining Sea Scouts.

I would think that the Ride/Harris/Edison/Wright Bros would all count as a Supernova if earned while a Sea Scout. The advancement path for Supernova allows either the Wright Brothers or Edison to be the silver level prior to pursuing the Einstein level award. They are essentially equal in difficulty.

My question for Scoutbook is that I’m able to input the Supernova Award for my scout; but Sea Scouts require electives for advancement and those are populated through a “'s Electives”. It’s a separate line similar to awards, memberships, camping log, long cruise log, etc. The electives, much like merit badges for regular scouts, are the things that populate those blanks in rank advancement. So, while my scout has a Supernova he has earned while registered as a Sea Scout, I am unable to apply it to his Sea Scout advancement. It would be analogous to being able to input a first aid merit badge but not being able to apply it to Life Scout. I’m not sure if I’m explaining that well… Probably not!

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