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So I went to update my Den Adventure Report as I call them with the new program and Current Report builder It is not working as expected
I’m a Den Leader for an AOL Den
I am wanting to generate a report for just my den of cubs, with just Bobcat Adventure
I pick Cub Scouts, Pick just my den, Expand Required Adventures and Select just bobcat, turn off all other settings.
When I run this report I would expect to see just one row the one adventure with status for each cub in the den.
Instead what I actually see is a list of all Adventures with some of them duplicated by section.
Last year I was able to do this to get just a subset of adventures for the den so I can get a handle on who had started/completed which adventures.
I used to have this issue when I had scouts who had started on a previous version of an advancement mixed in with those who had the current version (particularly merit badges for Scouts BSA). If you look at the individual scouts, does it look like some of them have started parts of the prior AoL program?
Last year if I had run the same report I would only have had entries for Outdoor Adventure, Engineer, Into the wild and into the woods, not all of them listed. I have tried a number of different other settings so far have not found anything that would generate something like
scout name | Scout 1
Outdoor Adventure |
Engineer |
Into the Wild |
Into the Woods |
This den was in Webelos last year and completed a number of the Optional Electives last year but nothing entered in scoutbook for the old AOL program explicitly that I know of
@JonathanSchlueter I believe this is a known bug that had previously been reported to developers (selections not being honored in Webelos and AOL dens on report builder - showing old program mixed with new). I have reached out to the developers to verify if this was thought to be fixed and released or in the queue for a fix and due for a release. Once released, it will be announced in the SB change log. We won’t know when the release time will be.