Report request: NYLT eligibility

I know there are a million other priorities, but I just have a question.

Similar to the OA eligibility report, this would be a report that would auto-generate a list of scouts that meet the requirements for NYLT:

  • Must be a registered member of a Scouting unit.
  • Must have a current BSA Health and Medical Record form parts A, B, and C.
  • As of March 1, 2019, Scouts BSA members (male and female) must be at least 13. They must have completed Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops.
  • Venturers and Sea Scouts (male and female) must be at least 14, or 13 and have completed eighth grade, and fall within the maximum age allowance for their program. They must have completed Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews or Ships. It is recommended that they have had at least one year of camping experience. While NYLT is not an outdoor skills course, it is important that each participant have basic camping and outdoor cooking experience.

not all of that is in SB - training is stored in my.scouting - Roster Builder might get you close to a report like this

That works! I was cobbling together Specific Training Course Report (for ILST) and then Report builder (Age, DOB, Rank, Health Form Dates).

That works much better. Thanks!