Roster not auto populated correctly & TM->SB

I’m working on transitioning our troop over from Troopmaster to Scoutbook and so I’m trying to set up Scoutbook.

Everything I’ve found to read says my troop’s roster should be populated automatically but it is not correctly populated. There are some Adults who are no longer active, duplicate Adults, missing Adults, and Scouts who are no longer active. I’m able to delete some Adults but others give me this error “Scouts who are activated with advancement sync cannot be deleted. Please contact Member Care if you need to remove this Scout.” but it’s not a Scout. And others give me this error “This user is a parent/guardian to one or more Scouts. Please remove this relationship first.” but there is no Scout in the roster with this Adult as a parent. I haven’t tried resolving the duplicate Adults nor adding the missing Adults. I can’t delete the old Scouts since they are not connected (see below).

All but two Scouts are not connected. I would like to connect so I can have access to them but don’t want to have to wait for them to accept an invitation.

What is going on? Why is this so messed up? Did I miss a step somewhere? Help!

And are there instructions somewhere on how to transition from TM to SB? So many troops must going through the same thing.


The roster issues have nothing to do with the software you are transitioning from. So, let’s set that aside for now.

What is your position within the unit? Key 3, key 3 delegates, and advancement coordinators (functional role in organization security manager) are automatic troop admins. If you look at your name on the roster you can also check if it lists troop admin under your name. If you are not one, you’ll need to have one of those people make you one.

For the roster issues, my guess is that someone had previously done a Scoutbook trial for your unit and left a bit of a mess unintentionally. The roster (youth and adult leaders) should automatically come into Scoutbook from the official roster. For missing scouts, it could be that they are there, and you don’t have the permissions to see them until you are an admin. Otherwise, I’d check if they exist on your my.scouting roster.

For duplicate adults, email with your council, troop number, their names, email addresses, and bsa member numbers. Ask them to merge them.

For adults who are no longer in your troop, gonto their positions and add an end date to the current one in the troop. Similarly, for scouts who are no longer in your troop, go to their membership and add an end date to the one in your troop.

@jacobfetzer is on point here - One other clue for Scout memberships and Adult positions to look for when you open them - look at NOTES field - Any that have something like AkelaSBDeltaSync came in from National for sure.


I do have Troop Admin privilege and am the Unit Advancement Chair.

What you say about someone previously trying Scoutbook makes sense to me. Is there any way I can just have the roster reloaded as if no one had tried it before? Fixing what’s there sounds horrible. I have also sent this question to, will let you know what they say.

Did I do something really bad I need to fix by deleting old Adults instead of ending their positions?

Why do I need to connect with Scouts when I didn’t need to with Adults? I doubt I’ll be able to get all to respond to an invitation.

And do you know of a good list of things that need to done when transitioning from TM to SB?


  1. Go to your Troop Roster page.
  2. Click on your name.
  3. Click on your Troop Admin position.
  4. Click Update.

This should update your Troop Admin role and connection to all Scouts in your troop.

There is not a way to reset / reload the roster.

You should not delete accounts. You should put an end date on their position(s).

We have a lot of help documents & videos here:

Thank you! I can now access my Scouts!

I did delete at least one old Adult last night. What kind of badness does this cause? Anyway I can fix it?

If you remember the names of the adult accounts that you deleted, please send an e-mail to:

and let them know that you only meant to put an end date on their leadership position with your troop – not delete the accounts. They should be able to fix it so that those adults can access their accounts again (if desired).

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