Scout Appears Correctly in MyScouting But Does Not Appear in Scoutbook

I’m working with a unit with a problem where a youth member appears in the unit roster from MyScouting correctly (i.e. all information appears to be correct), but does not appear in the unit’s Scoutbook roster. We tried updating his record (edited and saved various fields) in MyScouting as well as trying to import him into Scoutbook by searching by member id (MID) in Scoutbook to force a synchronization but to no avail.

Can you help us by letting us know if there was a field or something on our end preventing the synchronization/import?

MID: 13922413 with Pack 159 in Mead, CO

Thanks in advance,
Lou Leopold
Assistant Council Commissioner
Adventure West Council #62, BSA

@LouLeopold this is fixed - Scout will not be in a den

@LouLeopold Scout was in the Unit already in SB, BUT the adult flag was on. Using VST you should have been able to search SB for the MID and seen the Scout, noticing the Adult flag is a different matter.

Thank you!
Lou Leopold
Assistant Council Commissioner
Adventure West Council #62, BSA

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