Scout is in the Unit Roster Correctly, but Not in Scoutbook. Scoutbook Cannot Locate Him

I am assisting a unit that had a Cub Scout in both their unit roster (I see him via My Scouting Manager), and he used to be in Scoutbook according to his unit committee chair, but then disappeared about two weeks ago. They’d like to have him reinstated, but Scoutbook cannot locate his record.

From the unit roster obtained from
Council: Greater Wyoming - Longs Peak Council #62
District: Bighorn
Cub Scout Pack 119
BSA member number: 13872806

What am I missing to tell the pack? Before advising them to “Add New Scout” and possibly causing issues, I’m seeking advice.

Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

Yours in Scouting,
Lou Leopold
Assistant Council Commissioner & Local Council Scoutbook Point of Contact
Greater Wyoming - Longs Peak Council #62

Is this scout from a Military Family? in Scoutbook the Scout is in a Transatlantic Pack starting 9/1/2021. It COULD be another scout with same name and DOB - but it is even the same down to MM.

I bet what happened is maybe the old unit rechartered? And member update pulled him back in?

I did a position sync so scout should be back later today

Thank you, Donovan! I’ll notify the unit committee chair and we’ll be on the lookout. I’ll also check on the information you reported on his potential being in a military family.

Yours in Scouting,

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