Scoutbook account security concern

Hello! I have a security concern that “probably” isn’t an issue, but I feel I should bring it up just the same.

Today my son crossed over from his pack to his new troop (yay). While doing that, I thought I’d investigate all of his connections. I noticed that there are others who are listed in his connections that haven’t been involved for years.

Is there a way to purge connections who have not logged in to Scoutbook for 365 days?

There is no “quick” way to delete old connections in Scoutbook. Since I presume some of these individuals are not leaders or parents in your son’s new Troop, the only way to remove these connections is to go to his connections page and delete them one at a time.

There is an item in the backlog to provide a button to clean up old connections. I do not know if or when the BSA will schedule it for development work.


It is a bit unfortunate that connections remain from previous units.

One of the first things I do when Webs or Scouts cross in from other troops is to remove unneeded connections in SB.

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That is also what I do with scouts that bridge to the troop and those that leave at any time. For those that leave I keep my connection until it appears that the hey will not be back.

There’s a fine line to balance… You need to leave access for a Scout’s prior unit’s leaders in place for some amount of time to make sure that all awards are recorded, logs are updated, and the transfer is handled smoothly, so you can’t just delete all the connections as soon as a Scout’s unit is changed or an end date is added to his membership.

Years is certainly too long, but I would imaging 2 or 3 months might be appropriate – you have to consider that many Packs shut down all summer, so you don’t want to mess up a Scout that moves units over that break when leaders may not be available…

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I agree. That’s why the transfer feature does not sever admin connects, in case someone was a little too wary in moving them over.

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I have a couple ‘extenuating circumstances’ where I’m an admin in our Pack, my committee chair is an admin in the other feeder pack. :slight_smile:

I tell parents that they need to be sure everything is up to date for those crossing from other troops, as it’s the best way for me to review a Scout’s progression in my free time and before I meet with them one on one.

And…Logs can and should be updated by Scouts.

Weird things have happened to records, and i suspect previous connections that I can’t explain. I minimize the ‘attack surface’ and own anything that needs to be done.

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Yep. I’d be happy if the Scouts just updated their PAPER logs for a change. We spent waaaaayyy too much time over the past weeks figuring out camping nights for OA elibigility.

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