Scouting forums editor - Looking for more details (2021)

  1. Here is what I have found for Discourse guides and frequently asked questions (FAQ)

As of 10/13/2021 Scouting forums is using:

<meta name="generator" content="Discourse 2.8.0.beta6 - version 6273dfad4bc79576808c00b98f9c211e575021f6">
  1. Where do I find more information about what formatting is supported in the “Discourse” input editor? Here is what I have found so far (as of 11/12/2021):

The Scouting forums (Discourse) input editor says it accepts Markdown, BBCode and HTML. How much of each is not clear.

Boy Scouts of America

Discourse - A platform for community discussion

GitHub Discourse

Markdown - Markdown markup language

BBCode - Bulletin Board Code

HTML - HyperText Markup Language

Version: 2021-10-14-F

The easiest way to format text in the Scouting forums is to use the WYSIWYG buttons in the editor window.

You can get more information on the Discourse forums used by the BSA at Discourse discussion forums are at

This is what I see when I am using the Discourse editor:


I am not seeing a “what you see what you get” editor button.

While it isn’t a true WYSIWYG editor, at least on a computer, Discourse will display a preview of your post on the right side of the screen. If it is showing you a list of similar topics, click the X in the upper right corner of the list and you will see the preview. If the editor panel is in the center instead spanning the window, click the >> in the lower right corner to expand the panel.

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You can click on the buttons to add the markdown code on the fly, without having to learn markdown. Obviously, “B” for Bold, “I” for Italic, the chain links to add a hyperlink, etc.

Thank you for the links. However you are sending me on a “goose hunt in a large forest” by referring me tp the blog.

  • The home website front-end appears to be all advertising with one download link. However I did find the documents categories menu at
  • The one multilingual discussion I found on the blog site was related to building a new plugin.

Reply revised 2021-10-13-B

I am very familiar with “preview” in desktop view. However, I think I now like the mobile view on the desktop better.

Markdown “table” input

Testing Markdown “table” input

Table 1 - Simple


| Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 |
| row 1 col 1 | row 1 col 2 | row 1 col 3 |
| row 2 col 1 | row 2 col 2 | row 2 col 3 |
| blank columns |   |   |
| text and link | | At [](   |


Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
row 1 col 1 row 1 col 2 row 1 col 3
row 2 col 1 row 2 col 2 row 2 col 3
blank columns
text and link At
  • GitHub flavor of Markdown appears to be changing table width to 100%.



2021-10-15 A DRAFT