Scouts keep disappearing

Hi everyone,

I have about 6 scouts that keep disappearing from scoutbook and 1 that has the wrong birthdate and I have been unsuccessful in changing the birthdate as well a his parents (which is a problem due to Eagle stuff and all).

The following scouts keep disappearing:
(name removed by Moderator)- BSA # 134906764 DOB 11/2/09
(name removed by Moderator)- BSA # 12532450 DOB 10/20/10
(name removed by Moderator) - BSA # 13474619 DOB 08/19/11
(name removed by Moderator)- (unsure of BSA #) but DOB 06/17/11
(name removed by Moderator) (BSA # from PA and parents are unsure of it) but DOB 05/08/09
(name removed by Moderator)- (he crossed over from 1862 in Centreville VA)

The last one is (name removed by Moderator) whose Birthdate needs to be reduced by 2 yrs.

Please help in any way. I have been working/trying to get answers from our council with no assistance and it has been happening for over 6 months now.

Thanks so much
Heidi Settle (Committee Chair for BT 1137 in Centreville VA)

Any help would be greatly appreciated as we have had scouts go to other troops due to issues of being kicked off our scout book troop records

@HeidiSettle1 Please do not post names. If we need more information, we can contact you with a private message.

We will take a look a these.

However, your local council should be able to correct dates of birth using their Registrar tools, and it will get pushed over into Scoutbook within about 24-48 hours.

#1, 3 - not register
#2 - in a pack

#4 - MID 14007005 & 12895978 - registered in a pack

@HeidiSettle1 it appears none of the first 6 have been registered in your unit Troop 1137 - where applications filled out?

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@HeidiSettle1 You should be able to see who is on your troop’s official roster by logging in at my.scouting and then:

  1. Click on the “Menu” button.
  2. Click on your “Troop XXX - District” to expand your troop menu.
  3. Click on “Roster”
  4. In the gray menu bar, you can click on “Filter” and check the box next to Show Youth Members, then click “OK”.

Scouts who are listed at my.scouting are on your official troop roster. Scouts who are missing are not on your official roster due to various reasons (youth application not turned in / processed, dropped at Recharter, etc.).

Scout #1 (BSA member number 134906764) - Dropped at Recharter.
Scout #2 (BSA member number 12532450) - Registered with Cub Scout pack. Needs to transfer to troop.
Scout #3 (BSA member number 13474619) - Not currently registered, and that BSA member number belongs to a different council.
Scout #4 (BSA member number 14007005) - Registered with Cub Scout pack. Needs to transfer to troop.
Scout #5 (BSA member number 14255032) - Not registered. Expired PA registration under BSA 132301749.
Scout #6 (BSA member number 12925563) - Registered with Cub Scout pack. Needs to transfer to troop.

For the ones who are Webelos crossovers, you should be able to use the “In-Council Transfer” button in Scoutbook to transfer them to your troop. You should see this button in Scoutbook on your Troop Roster page.

Last Scout (BSA member number 133735407) - Should be an easy fix by your local council using their Registrar tools. After they update the Scout’s date of birth in their system, it should be pushed to Scoutbook within about 24-48 hours.

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Another option for the Webelos crossovers is to ask one of the pack’s Key 3 (Cubmaster, Committee Chair, or Chartered Org. Rep.) or a Key 3 Delegate to transfer the Webelos Scouts from the pack to the troop.

They would do this using the pack’s Roster at my.scouting. They would select the Scout (or Scouts), and then click on the Transfer button, and transfer to your troop. One of your troop’s Key 3 or a Key 3 Delegate would need to accept these transfers using the Application Manager.

Hi Donovan-
Yes paper application were sent into Council when they joined. Not sure what happened and the one scouts has put in many applications as he keeps getting dropped.

Thanks for the tip. When I asked the committee chair of another group they said to provide name, DOB and BSA #. I will remember that next time.

@HeidiSettle1 Have you tried transferring the Webelos crossovers from their pack to your troop using one of the methods I mentioned above?

@HeidiSettle1 - from personal experience the in-council transfer is fantastic… The scouts moved from pack to troop within hours. All I had to do was update leader admin rights. The paper app thing would seem to be problematic and I know having gone through this… they end up in a pile of stuff to be done and sometimes lost if not sent directly to the registrar.

Hi Jennifer,

Yes, I was able to get 3 of the 4 from the previous Cub Pack over. I need to get the DOB on the other one. The other 2 have electronic copies of their application that were sent in April and June to council, so I have emailed our Unit Commissioner for help with those and to look at the one that keeps getting kicked off our recharter as he has turned in all his paperwork and such. To be honest, this year’s recharter was a disaster for our troop as people we asked not to have rechartered were rechartered and those that needed to be rechartered were left out. I still have to reconcile the overage that we shelled out for our recharter.

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