SPIA Calendar function .........ERROR You are not Authorized to use this API

Yes, I fixed that typo.

@jacobfetzer I am running on a Lenovo with Windows-11 64 bit. And an iPhone X


I have found the Event Type is often taking far too long to load. I have passed this on to the developers but it does eventually let me set it.

I’ve waited for a long time until my session timed out without a “event type” pull-down selection list appearing.


I sent you a private message so we can collect more information. Click on your picture in the upper right of the forum window.

here is me clicking my picture

Here is a video

i don’t have an upload button. Let me try a different reply

how shall i transmit the video?

I emailed you and copied the link from the email.

@edavignon … Is there any status on my Scoutbook Plus IA issue? I still can not create a calendar event(event type greyed out) or add new invitees/attendees to a current calendar entry.


I have not heard anything.