Webelos Scouting Adventure Adventure Bug

The first letter requirement for requirement 2 is listed as empty set of parentheses ( ) then it goes on to letters (a), (b) etc.

It is also called the “Scouting Adventure” adventure. Is that the real name for this adventure or is it the “Scouting” adventure?

This was added by user request, because some dens were doing the troop visit, and then following up with the other items at a later date. The parenthesis look odd, but the devs were trying to keep the numbering the same to match up with the Webelos Handbook.

The name is “Scouting Adventure”. I believe it is the only adventure with Adventure as part of the name. So that’s why you see Scouting Adventure adventure. It looks weird, I know.

Webelos Den Meeting Plans

It was created by the Department of Redundancy Department :smiley:


@edavignon - and I am fairly certain that they voted on voting on the vote for the name…


Yes, SUAC had to Verify with National that they Verified that was the Verified odd name


This has made my day… awesome simply awesome

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