Adventures missing from Scoutbook Plus Roster "Type of Advancement"

Hi, when I select scout(s) from the roster list and select “Record Progress” the option for selecting Adventures under “Type of Advancement” is missing. Quick entry is the alternative (legacy) way to record progress for multiple scouts but I see that this is also not working. Is this feature in development?

@Rick.Sedivec Record Progress: Adventures is turned off as Cub Scouts as a whole are in SB+ now - Quick Entry in SB+ works fine

Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 10.15.32 AM

Hi, thanks for confirming. I found Quick Entry on the Roster page in SB+ which is great. It is a bit confusing popping back and forth between SB and SB+ but I am able to perform this in SB+ fully now. :slight_smile:


Most functions for Cub Scouts are now in Scoutbook Plus. You need legacy Scoutbook for messaging and generating Purchase Orders and Advancement reports.

Hi - we are not able to generate a Purchase Order in SB or SB+. Where are they now?

@MicheleBunch a unit admin can go to > click on Unit on the Right side > click Reports > Click Needs Purchasing to get PO (maybe click Needs Approval first to approve things)

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