April 8, 2020 Scoutbook Updates

Bug Fixes

  • Merit Badge Counselor Connections
    • An issue that cause an error when a Merit Badge Counselor searched for a Scout with a special character in the last name has been fixed.
  • Merit Badge Counselor Upload
    • An issue that caused Merit Badge Counselor positions to end and be restarted and all Merit Badge Counselor connections broken when a Council uploaded a new MBC list has been fixed. Existing Merit Badge Counselors will have not have their positions ended or connections broken.
    • An issue that caused Merit Badge Counselor Listing Preferences to revert to Council when a Merit Badge Counselor list is uploaded has been fixed. Merit Badge Counselor Listing Preferences will not be changed on a new upload.

New Features

  • Scouts BSA Awards Updated to match 2020 requirements
    • Cyber Chip Grades 6-8
    • Cyber Chip Grades 9-12
    • Paul Bunyan Woodsman
    • World Conservation Award
  • Cellular Carriers
    • Support Consumer Cellular has been added. Note we have no way of testing this we do not have access to a Consumer Cellular device. Please post to the Scoutbook Bugs topic if you find an issue.
  • Merit Badge Counselor Features
    • My Merit Badge Counseling Seciton has been added to the dashboard of all Merit Badge Cousnelors. This section will appear just above the My Family section. This section holds links useful to Merit Badge Counselors and replaces a similar set of features provided by the Soutbook Feature Assistant Extension for Chrome and Firefox.
    • Quick Entry for MB Counselors will bring up options to Sign Completed Merit Badges and Enter Merit Badge Req.
    • Sign Completed Merit Badges allows an MBC to mark a Merit Badge complete and Counselor Approved. After selecting the desired Merit Badge, any Scouts who are connected to the MBC as a Counselor for the Merit Badge and have not completed the Merit Badge will be selectable. If no Scouts appear, the MBC is not connected for that Merit Badge or the Scout has has the Merit Badge complete with the Counselor Approved flag set. Enter any notes and the date completed then click SAVE.
    • Enter Merit Badge Req. provides a drop down list of Merit Badges for which the MBC counsels. After selecting the Merit Badge, the Merit Badge requirements and list of Scouts connected to the MBC and working on the Merit Badge will appear. Select the version, completed requirements, completion date and notes then click Save. All requirements selected will be marked Counselor Approved.
    • Edit Merit Badges for MB Counselors presents a list of Merit Badges the MBC counsels. After selecting the Merit Badge, a list of Scouts that the MBC is connected to for the Merit Badge will be shown. Selecting the Scout will take the MBC to the Scout’s Merit Badge page to allow updates to be made. Scouts will be shown with and without completed Merit Badges to allow the MBC to correct mistakes, add additional information, etc.
  • Transatlantic Merit Badge Counselor Search
    • Support for searching in councils outside of the United States has been added. If the unit has an APO, DPO or FPO address, its zip code will be used as the default search location. If there is not a zip code associated with the unit address, the zip code will default to 00000 and all Transatlantic Council Merit Badge Counselors will be returned.

Removed Features

  • LDS Unit Support
    • The LDS sliders have been removed from the Edit Unit and Scout Profile pages. The LDS religious awards appear on the Awards pages for all Scouts.